
Bless the morning



5 Years
05-04-2014, 04:53 AM

Truth be told Novella could sympathise, it was difficult to wait. She longed to see them once more and hear what they could tell her about Ahlon. She'd been gone for around a year now and surely there was plenty to talk about. Though fully grown and capable of looking after herself, a part of her so nostalgic was eager to even retreat back to her childhood, sat before her father with her siblings and listen as he told stories with their mother fondly looking on and listening with them.

"Yes." She responded with a warm smile. "They've had a long journey and they did look pretty tired when they went to find somewhere to sleep." A sign of her growing up, there was probably once a time that she wouldn't have noticed such a thing, expected her parents to simply plough on with life. In the eyes of a child sometimes grown-ups could simply seem like they had no weaknesses and she would lightly laugh at Dhiren's playful comment. "And that is why they need a good night's sleep, so they can banish that worry for themselves."

She settled herself down now at her nephew's side as he continued to talk, speaking of names and looks. She knew his woes weren't serious in the slightest, not that the genuine jealousy he'd once felt over the arrival of his younger siblings but she couldn't help but play along all the same. She herself was clearly one who held the looks from the Destruction family, that white coat and blue and gold eyes he spoke of twinned with a nice family name to match. At such a young age the similarities to her mother had certainly filled the girl with a sweet and innocent joy.

"You've got one gold eye Dhiren." She pointed out to him. "And I'm sure that your dad likes that you look like him. The closest thing that your Grandpa got was your uncle Legend and Aunt Myth, but somehow they're both darker than him." Never having met her own grandparents or even her aunt Dubara, she didn't know that the darker shade had still trailed down from his side of the family. "Besides, Canta and Fal'dara are mostly black too. You're not alone there."