
Ancient Dances

The Judge


05-04-2014, 07:26 AM

Cormalin v Alpine for Spar

Round 1

6 for clarity- -2 ' rest on Alpine?s back,' Where abouts? you need to be more specific. -2 'simultaneous bid for purchase.' Where?

7 for powerplaying. -3 ' to the left (Alpine?s right), then swerving in to his right, (Alpines Left)' You assumed that you got to alpines right side, then his left.

8 for defenses. +1 for each seen

7 for attack. +2 for ram, +3 for thrusting his weight upwards in an attempt to unbalance. +2 for attempted clasp

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Cormalin Total: 38/50


5 for clarity- -2 'By driving his shoulder upwards' Which shoulder? -3 'He would drive at an angle in an attempt to knock the other to the side,' drive? how did he try to know him of to the side? With his shoulder, by leaning? you need to be more specific!

8 for powerplaying. -2 'which Alpine?s open jaws would lunge for even as he tried to tackle him to the side.'

6 for defenses. +1 for each seen

5 for attack. +2 for ram +1 for vital area. +2 for shove to knock him of balance

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Alpine Total: 34/50

Round 2


6 for clarity- -2 'glanced across Alpine?s left shoulder' doesnt really make sense. -2 'dove for Alpine?s neck scruff,' where abouts on the neck? The top middle,end?

5 for powerplaying. -3 'abandoned the bid for Alpine?s scruff, the shoulder instead brushing against his thick fur as he arched his neck out of the way.' Firstly, fights happen really quickly, and to change the move at the last second is pretty much impossible. Also, its pretty hard to predict how Alpine was going to do that so quickly in a heat of a fight. It seems to be like you trying to avoid damage or taking minimum. -2 'would pull against Alpine?s back,' you should put an attempt in!

8 for defenses. +1 for each seen. -2 for for not reajusting balance after hop

6 for attack. +2 for shoving shoulder to mouth, +2 for aiming to bite scruff +1 for trying to pull alpine over +1 for for trying to hook paws near skull

3 for injuries. -2 for bruising -3 for teeth punctures in shoulder. -2 for unrealism with some of alpines attacks.

Round two Cormalin Total: 28/50


6 for clarity- -2 was rather confusing to understand overall. -2 ' push all his weight on the unbalanced side' how did he push all of his weight? by leaning, which side is unbalance?

7 for powerplaying. Notes

6 for defenses. +1 for each seen

6 for attack. +3 for attempting to grab neck +1 for vital area +2 for shove

6 for injuries. Notes

Round two Alpine Total: 31/50


Cormalin: 66/100

Alpine: 65/100

And the winner is...

Cormalin! Alpine must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Cormalin- bite wounds will take 2 ic weeks to heal, bruises a few days.

Alpine- Bruising will take a few days to heal, small scratch and bite wounds will take 1 ic week to heal


Watch for clarity guys (no points are deducted here)

For Briena
Be careful with powerplaying, you did well but make sure to keep realism. Fights happen really quickly, and just abandoning attacks within the last moment is pretty much impossible!

For Sea
you did well in this fight! it was super close, if you added just a few more defenses you could have got it. watch for clarity also, there where times where it was super hard to understand. If your against another male make sure to put his name instead of 'he' or 'boy' it throws us all a little bit. Make sure to have more complex attacks. When fighting a taller character you need to put in multiple attacks.

- By [luisiana]