
Roses blossom from thy tears



04-28-2013, 06:49 PM

Loccian watched the shewolf closely as she opened her eyes, flinching from the sudden intake of light. Her body was twitching and when she had tried to stand she had threw up her meal before collapsing to the ground. Her voice echoed in the grey shewolf's ears. Thane... Puppies.. Are the...Puppies....O..O..Okay. With that her eyes closed and she seemed to be out of it, causing her to look to Thane as he nuzzled the shewolf, his mate Ookami from what Cyril had said.

Finally he had turned to speak to Loccian, causing her to move close to him, perking up her ears and taking in every word he Loccian, as you have heard Ookami is expecting; but earlier it seems as if she was affected by the heat or light. And now she has passed out once more after regurgitating her food. Is there anything you can do to help her? And do you think the puppies will be alright? I know this maybe a lot on you but please... she's the only family I have left at the moment besides Cyril; and she carries more... Please help us...

Immediately her mind began racing, herb names flashing before her eyes and mind working to remember the uses for those herbs and how to prepare them. This could just be her body's reaction to being pregnant, possibly for the first time, afterall they seemed to be around the same age as Loccian so this should be their first litter. After a few seconds of silence from her she finally lifted her head to Thane, a look of determination burning in her grey eyes. Don't worry Thane, I am here now and I can help Ookami. Just please try staying calm for her while I do my thing. She flashed him a gentle smile before turning to his companion. Cyril, I'm going to need your help. Thane will stay here with Ookami while we go get some herbs, we need to be fast in case this isn't a normal reaction to her pregnancy. Just follow me and do as I say.

With that the shewolf bounded away from the wolves, paws moving quickly in her search for herbs.

i talk.
i think.
you talk."