
Kiss me hard before you go {P}


05-04-2014, 12:01 PM

He wasn?t the best at this... But he felt that Silveris was being rather accepting towards him all the same. He would wait, ears pointed towards her as he waited for her to finish speaking. Her mother was sick... And the siblings she had were even younger. For a moment Emery would feel a pang in his heart, missing his own brothers and single sister. So much time had passed since he had seen any of them. He would meet Silveris? gaze as the she-wolf spoke to him again, feeling a bit more embarrassed.

?Perhaps a bit... I wouldn?t mind hunting with you. That way we could both eat.? He would twitch his ears a little, scenting the air. ?Though I?m not really sure what might live here... I?ve really only hunted crabs and caribou before... And found fish in tide pools at Soul Sand Cove.? He?d look back to Silveris again. ?I suppose the only way to find out is to venture back in towards the center of the island, right?? His eyes would shine a little as he said this. The awkwardness was starting to melt away now... Leaving just the simple start of a friendship.
