
Learn Of The World And Those Within


05-04-2014, 12:08 PM

It seemed that, even with his apology and explaining, the expression on the older pup?s face didn?t change. He felt uncomfortable under that gaze... Almost as if the other was looking at him like he was some freak. Ears would remain lowered, uncertainty growing in his chest and the feeling that maybe he should leave getting stronger. For the moment however F?li stayed, waiting for an answer from the older brute. At any sign of aggression, however, he was likely just going to bolt and get he heck out of there.

The older brute would speak, saying he didn?t want the log. Did that mean this part of Lucidael was his area...? Maybe he was reading too far into the answer but... He would just give a little nod, still uncomfortable. The question that the other asked though... It shocked him. ?W-why wouldn?t he be? Sorrel?s always at the den... He hardly ever leaves unless it?s with mother and... She hasn?t been around lately...? Little did F?licien know the information he gave the other boy was something already understood. Losing a parent... And slowly the rest of the family would follow. But F?li didn?t think like that... Didn?t want to think like that.