
Bonded Through Time


05-04-2014, 12:23 PM

Here he was... Wandering at the bottom of the ravine. He decided that a short trip away from Valhalla, just to stretch his legs, was needed, and thus the brute had wandered here. It was quiet, honestly... And the male found the solitude a little relaxing. Sure he enjoyed the company of others but... A little alone time never hurt anyone now and then. Once more his thoughts had turned to the pup he had rescued. He was almost four years old when he found her... And just over five when he left her with a pack... Leaving without a single word. He would sigh, ears lowering at the thought.

It had been a hard decision... It honestly had. Emily was a truly special wolf... Her young, bright spirit had captured his heart... But her age had made the brute worry about hurting her... And so, doing what he felt was best, Arwel had left her behind before coming to Alacritia. She had a past tragic like his own... He had been wandering the valleys below the mountains that he and Sindri had moved too... And that was when he found her... The lone survivor of the slaughter of a small pack. It was far to similar to his own past... And so maybe that was what sparked their bond.

Slowly Arwel would come to a stop, laying down where he was. There wasn?t really any others that he could scent for the moment... And he didn?t care to search for company now that his heart was aching again. She was two now... Right? Nearly three. How time kept moving... Changing things. Would she remember him? Did she often think of him as he thought of her? Arwel could honestly only wonder.
