
White as snow- black as shadows


04-28-2013, 07:54 PM

Awaken jumped as the other male spoke. He hadn't expected him at all. His emerald gaze settled on Gargoyle rather timidly, but then he remembered he had no reason to feel fear him. He sat up straighter, streching his back out. His ebony fur rising lightly as his back popped like dominos.

?His mind was still rembling on things. His past, his memories that made no sence... Kin-slayer. ? He couldn't kill anyone. Awaken was not the kind of wolf to slaughter anyone, even more-so a wolf he was related to. ?

His ears snapped forward as the other, bigger, male metioned boars. He'd never killed any before, but they sounded like fun. "Sounds like its time to bring home the bacon. " He chuckled "pig killing sounds like fun. Let's go!" He said, somewhat exited. Maybe a good hunt would get things off his mind. ?He jumped from his stance on the small rock, not expecting the resistance of the melting snow. The avoid face-planting he turned his head to the side and rolling across his back, focusing his weight to roll from shoulder to hip, to avoid pain to his spine.Once he rolled back onto his feet he shook the wetness from his fur and looked back to the other two to see if they were coming.

In the meantime, while his body seemed peppy and cheery, his mind was at war. Kin-slayer... Crowned kin-slayer, Nexium. These empty words rang through his head repeatedly. Why? Why did the aspects of his past torture him so much? What happened if the horrible flashbacks were true? What if his packmates found out and wanted him dead... The only one who knew was Mercianne and that strange wolf who claimed to be his Brother ?

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)