


04-28-2013, 08:07 PM
ooc; with Seracia having to move, I'm going to assume this took place after the migration to the range? Correct me if you'd rather it be in the old land, though it'd be hard to move a mother and her young pups.

Cries did not go unheard by the monarch's ears. He was on the move at once, a spring in his step and excitement in his eye. Months ago he would have seen this as a dreadful event, children being born - children who'd been produced out of wedlock. But today, today the King could not be more pleased. This was the first litter to be born in the Kingdom. He would take his time, unwilling to push himself on the new parents too early. When he arrived, he would not linger long. He had much to do in this new land, and although he was eager to see the new lives - he would not steal a glance on this day. Congratulations would be offered, that was all. A smile bubbled onto his lips as he slithered toward the den, offering a chuff to announce his presence. Voice would carry into the den, gentle and kind. "Congratulations to you both, how many new additions are there?" The King settled himself, rocking onto his haunches a comfortable distance from the entrance of the den. New mothers could be testy about others being around, and he did not want to distress the lady.


Image by Ruelle.