
one does what one must (Joining)


05-04-2014, 03:15 PM
Her mind had been preoccupied as of late, with the concerns of the world on her shoulders. Tortuga's needs. Her father's illness. Faust. Nearly dying. So many things had made their home in her head. She couldn't deny that her most recent brush with death had terrified her. She had come so very close to dying, falling into the chasm of the gorge and being found by only God knows who in the pack- or perhaps a stranger. She'd been having nightmares of the cliff, hanging of the edge. In some she was saved, much like she had been by Faust- in others- monstrous wolves helped send her plummeting to her death. The nightmares had made sleep her enemy- so she kept herself as busy as possible patrolling the borders.

In the present moment, this lack of sleep found her yawning as she walked slowly along the borders- her head down, tail trailing the ground. She was exhausted. That, of course, was until she scented a stranger. Her head raised slowly, and her ears pricked, her tail left the dust of the earth, and she moved towards it a little less slowly. Her eyes came to rest on a gray stranger, and she approached moving in from the left of him. "Greetings." She spoke, her voice firm, though not unfriendly. "I am Roman Armada, Queen of Tortuga. Can I help you?" She questioned, the words she spoke so often as of late rolling from her tongue nearly as a mantra. Politely, she would sit, her muscles groaning with relief and wait for the stranger to speak and make his case for why he was here.