
I know it's crazy

Dutiron i


8 Years
05-04-2014, 04:56 PM

As Novel and Dutiron had only just arrived in the lands there was certainly a large amount of adjusting to do if they planned upon remaining here with their family. Truth be told the only other option he felt they really had was to return to Ahlon for it certainly seemed that the majority were here in Ludicael or at the very least lingering somewhere around Alacritis. He longed to see them all, meet and greet each of his grandchildren properly though there would be plenty of time to do so in the days ahead. For his first afternoon in the lands though, he and Novel had parted briefly, where his mate had gone he wasn't entirely sure but his attention was suddenly fixed upon something else.

It had almost become instinct now to investigate any sounds at the borders, an odd task at first though now he had been doing it for so long the man figured he would probably need to remind himself to stay put when he heard them. This however was no ordinary call, whilst not meant for himself at all Dutiron certainly knew the sound and simply couldn't help himself as he ventured along the lands towards the source.

Sure enough there stood his niece, the spitting image of her mother. Dutiron would approach her warmly with a wide smile upon her face, though shocked as he realised who was at her side. The sight would certainly bring great joy to his sister, Iorwerth stood with one of his sisters, it was certainly a sight he'd feared would never happen considering how the man had suddenly disappeared from their lives, but here he was now. "Satu, it's wonderful to see you. And you too Iorwerth."