
Where The Edges Blur


05-04-2014, 06:28 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
The woman would give a nod as the man said that he did not need further herbs. While the paste would take off the pain it would take a little bit of time to get to work. Still, he seemed sure that he would be alright. So Ellis would leave it at that, still relaxed... At least for a last few peaceful seconds before things started to take another turn. A turn that others might have gotten wind of from the beginning... But her innocence was going to be her downfall here.

As he approached, his words leaving his lips and that look shining in his eyes Ellis realized that she was in trouble. Birch and ?owyn were off with the children today... There was probably not even a single soul to close enough to hear her scream even if she called for help. Fear would rise within Ellis, her heart racing wildly as she started to back away from the brute, ears lowering.

?W-wait.... No... Please...? Her words came out rather quiet... Frightened. Everything in her head was screaming at her to run... But if she wasn?t faster than this brute it would just give him easier access to what he wanted... No... She had to try and outmaneuver him... Avoid being pinned... Avoid being taken. Her body was shaking so much though... Would she be able to do it?

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.