
Do you want to kill a planet?

Helios I


9 Years
05-04-2014, 08:20 PM

The man held power now, a power he had not thought would belong to him. His siblings were always the proactive ones but they were not here, and Virgil had needed him. He was not going to let her down. He carried himself with an air of pride, his new position within his family and the knowledge that here he could do the god?s work made him hold his head high. Russet paws would carry Helios towards the battlefield, a place that had stayed upon his radar but that until now he had not had the chance to visit.
He knew he was drawing closer as the acrid smell of blood stung his nose, stale thought most of it was. Deep red eyes scanned the horizon, searching for any activity. A howl rose over the lands and he stopped. The scents here were so strong that he nearly missed the newer smell of another wolf, no? two others. One of them bore the overbearing stench of a different pack. He adjusted his course towards the scents curiosity drawing him towards them.
Finally two shapes appeared upon the war torn field. He narrowed his gaze as he approached with caution. It seemed strange that here of all places he might find one that resembled him so. There were differences of course but of even among his own blood he often felt as though he had deviated from the genetic norm. Mustering himself he drew up off to the side of the yearling, facing the russet man. He cast a quick glance at the girl, sizing her up.
He turned again to look at the male, lifting his tail some and keeping his head high. ?Hell of a place to stop for a rest.? His voice is even, perhaps even a bit commanding.

talk, think