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05-04-2014, 07:53 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Just before she had finally resigned herself to being completely alone again, to admit to herself that Klypso had bailed on his promise, he appeared. A quiet relief hit her at the sight of him, but rather than question it she merely accepted it. Yes, she was happy to see him, happy that he was still with her, happy that she was not alone. Sighing gently, Yin calmed her expression and sat down where she stood outside of the den, waiting for Klypso to finish walking her way.

Within his jaws she saw the reason she had not seen him when she had first woken up. The fish was freshly caught, no doubt meant for her. Her companion smiled the moment he spotted her, his tail following suit and beginning to wag, and once he reached her he set the fish down without any interest in eating it himself. He stepped past her to enter the den, lying down and curling up as he instructed her to eat. Yeah. Just like she had thought. Suppressing a rare smile, Yin stepped over to the fish and, sitting before it, began to eat.

Maybe the taste of fish was growing on her. It tasted better than it had the day before - was it a different kind of fish? - and she ate it gratefully, savoring as much of it as she could while hunger urged her to make quick work of it. In the end, hunger won over and it was gone relatively quickly. Licking her lips, Yin abandoned the bones and scales that remained of the fish and turned back toward the den and Klypso inside of it. She ducked her head to peer in at him, mismatched eyes meeting his gold, and she asked quietly, "Are you cold?" He was curled up so tightly, and if her observations of seeing him splashing around in the stream before were any indication of how he had fished here she was sure he was. Without waiting for an answer she slipped inside and coiled up around his smaller frame, offering him her warmth if he was willing to accept it.