
Set the world on fire



05-04-2014, 08:13 PM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2014, 08:16 PM by Sevan.)

Russet limbs had pulled her to the south, specifically to this place. She had grown used to the life of a wanderer, drifting from land to land, having no real place to call home. Ivory limbs and heavy leaves surrounded her, tangling above her, some brushed her rusty pelt. She had never been to this place before, as she came to spot within the trees, a strangle set of stones sat in a circle, it was unlike anything she had ever seen before. Blue and silver gems looked around her, absorbing the scenery. Not a hint of emotion crossed her russet face.

Rumors had it that her father had returned, but he had yet to seek any of them out. She hadn't seen any of her family since her aunt had called them all together. In fact, she hadn't seen much of anything or anyone. She had isolated herself, drifting in and out of the lands she had been born into. The red princess had been scarce, failing to bless the lands with her presence. But she and not a care in the world.

Russet limbs folded beneath her as she settled down within the trees, searching for a place to rest for the night. The moonlight peeked through the trees, reflecting off her coat. Crown would lower to rest on her paws, audits twitched, listening to the sounds around her. Eyes fluttered shut, though she wasn't yet tired. Sides heaved with each breath, ears listening to her surroundings. Sooner or later, she would have to face her family. Unless she found a new path for her life.