
Set the world on fire



05-04-2014, 09:23 PM

There would be no noise, but an unfamiliar scent filled her nostrils. For a moment she wouldn't move, allowing her eyes to flutter open. Crown would lift slowly, chin remained tucked slightly as the girl looked around herself. Pools of blue and silver would rest upon a feline with yellow eyes. A brow would lift audits twitching, swiveling in various directions. A second scent lingered, cluing her into the fact this feline was not alone. Hind legs curled beneath her, a single front leg stretched before her, her left forelimb curled slightly, enabling her to rise quickly if necessary. She got the feeling that this encounter would not end well.

"Can I help you?" Sweet lyrics flowed from russet jaws. As a yearling, the girl had reached her full height of 36 inches, though she was still putting on weight. Being alone had allowed lean muscle to wrap her bodice, fending for herself had both strengthened her and weakened her. She had learned to be quick, ruthless, and grown stronger. However, she could only bring down small prey, keeping her from reaching her maximum weight, though she was far form skinny.

Eyes would remain trained on the feline as she attempted to pin point to location of his partner. Rusty pelt threatened to bristle as she struggled to keep up her stoic facade. Muscles coiled beneath her pelt, the girl preparing herself for battle. She refused to die at the hand of a mere cat.Lips twitched, irritation glittering in her features, the tips of fangs appeared beneath lips as the feline merely stood watching her.