
The other side isn't always greener

Athena I


9 Years
05-04-2014, 10:00 PM

Athena watched Roman light up at the mention of Tortuga. It was very clear that the pack was a point of pride for the ivory woman and it made Athena smile. While Roman was describing this family-like pack that was still a force to be reckoned with, Athena was riveted, her ears turned forward attentively the whole time. She wasn't sure if the way Roman described her pack was entirely true, but she had no reason to not believe her either. It was just hard for her to believe that a whole pack could feel like a family. Even with almost all of Glaciem being related to her in some form or fashion she hardly felt like family to any of them, at least not in the way that she thought family should be like. She had gotten close with Vereux since her return and she was trying to get closer with Talvi, but she had hardly spoken to her mother since she had gotten back and she hadn't even laid eyes on Isardis. She knew the albino had been sick, but it was still disappointing since one of the reasons she had come back was because she had missed him.

At her fellow sister's question she nodded in response. "It made perfect sense... I know it's silly to say I've never really felt like I had a family when I'm surrounded by it constantly, but in Glaciem it just feels like we're always competing against each other. There's so many of us, the Bloods I mean, it just feels like we're always competing for a spot or competing for attention... at least it feels like that to me anyway. My mother was gone for most of the first part of my life and of course you know Isardis, always busy. My two brothers were just a pain to deal with when we were younger, but now one of them is missing and the other is one of my only friends. I left and lived as a rogue for a while. Got tired of all of it, you know. I came back recently because I thought I missed it, but I'm not so sure anymore." She hadn't expected to ramble on like that. Usually she wasn't so talkative, but it seemed like once she got to talking about it her frustration with the whole situation got all stirred up.

She gave a little shake of her head to clear her thoughts. "Sorry, I didn't mean to ramble."
