



5 Years
05-05-2014, 01:40 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She was really doing badly about staying within the pack lands lately. It was like the adventure bug had bitten her and given her a double dose of whatever poison it was that made her so eager to venture beyond the borders of Ebony and away from the new home that had been made for her there. She should have been more considerate of her parents and their wish to see her safe and happy, should have made a bigger effort to find her place there and begin the training that she had decided upon. She might have had a natural knack for hunting, but she was not going to become a strong fighter by playing hooky every chance she got.

But responsibilities were far from her mind as her curious paws brought her clear of Ebony lands, even clear of the east, and back into southern territories. For being from the same region as Seracia, this place looked nothing like it. In fact, it looked like nothing she had ever seen before. For starters, the water was different. Rather than refreshing and tasty like it should have been, it nearly made her gag on her first taste. But not only that, there was just so much of it. It spread on for as far as she could see and it rolled inland to wet the earth unlike the way it settled in rivers and lakes. How did wolves live around it?

Less impressed with the sea than she could have been, it was not until she spotted another figure there amid the shallows, leaping about with his attention raptly focused before him, that she finally felt a tug of curiosity start to well up within her. What was the wolf doing? Intrigued, Anais drifted closer, noting how oblivious the boy appeared to everything but his target, and no sooner did she catch a sudden glint of scales as the fish he chased skipped a little too close to the surface she understood his behavior. And if her mother's training meant anything she knew he was not going to be successful that way.

Ever helpful and always friendly, there was no hesitation about her as she stepped just into the water, letting it curve around the bottoms of her paws, as she called out to the distracted wolf with a smile, "Did you get it? I've never had much luck fishing that way." And, oh, had she tried. Her mother had merely shaken her head at her daughter's impatient antics, but Anais did recall that it had been tremendously more entertaining than the waiting game her mother played with the fish. And in her opinion fun was always the better choice.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.