
Lost Queen


05-05-2014, 03:52 AM

The young descendent of Maija and Taurig Artenie was lost. Yup, the only word to describe her current situation: lost. If she also considered the emotions that tied into that word - anxious, panicky, distrustful, scared - then it would paint a better picture for her place of mind. Whimpers escaped the young girl's lips as she walked across the unfamiliar landscape. She had only left the island a couple of times, but it was always with one of her litter mates or her parents. Instead, she was by herself and the majority of her lithe frame wished she had kept her butt home. Too late to turn back now!
She stopped to pause at one of the overhanging trees. Branches weighed down by numerous pounds of fruit hung above her head and she didn't know what to make of the weird structures. Panic and anxiety slipped from her mind as she sniffed at the nearest piece in front of her. The air was heavily sweet, making her want to climb into the trees to grab to the clear breeze above. Tough beans, though, she was stuck. Instead, she licked the air with a pale pink tongue before she took a small nip of the apple. Its texture was tough and hard against the roof of her mouth, but the juicy fruit within the exterior was worth the bite.
She lowered her head and blankly stared as she tried to chew and swallow the bit of apple she had eaten. Once it was down her throat, she took a second to register how it tasted. The result: "YUM!" she exclaimed, eyes flashing with delight. Being away from home wasn't so bad. Pandora then grabbed the rest of the apple and tugged, snapping it off from the branch. She lowered her prize to the ground and began to snack, enjoying each bite she took. "Yum yum," she muttered, happy tones echoing through the heavily laden orchard.