
A new place to rest


05-05-2014, 10:00 AM
The snowy woman had just come from the boarders of Seracia, furious that they had claimed her weeping willows as their own. Her favorite tree resided within the small group of willows, however it was also her most hated tree. It reminded her of her lost prince, Miharu. It was in that very tree that she had wondered what he would think of it only to have her hopes of a future with him crushed.

Even though she knew he was gone, she still found herself calling to him every time she made a kill. Inviting him to share her meal with her, and every time hoping she had been lied only to be stupidly disappointed when he did not arrive. Each time she would chastise herself for such childish hopes. She was nearly eight years old for christ sake, and she damn well knew what dead meant...still she held her promise to him. She would never forget him.

As May arrived at the Buffalo Knolls, her lost love was still on her mind as was the furry she held toward the pack. She hoped silently that the heard of buffalo would help to calm her so that she wouldn't march into the pack lands and demand they move their boarders else where. She knew that would do no good and the only thing she would gain would be scars.

After a while she found a spot to lay where she could look out over a buffalo heard. Where the grass as sun would work together to keep her at a comfortable temperature. She cursed her age as she stretched out over the ground. Long travels such as the one she had just had were becoming quite painful, leaving her muscles and joints a bit sore. She still looked a few years younger than what she actually was but that was only because her fur was already white. May was positive that if she wasn't already a white wolf that her fur would have shown signs of her aging.

Closing her icy blue eyes she smiled as she pictured her oddly colored love with greying fur. His brown and grey fur turning greyer and the reddish-orange of his ears and tail loosing its brightness. She decided he would still be just as attractive now as he was when she met him.

When she opened her eyes a female buffalo and her calf were at play only fifty yards away. The sight made her sigh inwardly and become slightly frustrated again. She wished her lost prince had lived, longed to know what their children might have looked like, but that wish and hope was long ago taken from her.