
Soothing waters, soothing company



7 Years
05-05-2014, 10:15 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

With her attention still focused on Bane's shoulder she failed to notice any sense of hesitation or uneasiness, assuming any pause that he might have made to have been over recalling the story attached to the specific scar she had pointed out. As she roamed her paw through it, she recalled her own story attached to it. She had been so focused on the tree that had pierced his shoulder that she had not really taken notice of it before, and only after, during a conversation he had had with their children, had she realized that the curved scar held purpose aside from adding to his rugged, warrior's appearance.

He answered her shortly, failing or choosing not to go into very much detail, but what he offered was enough to get her thinking. Adoptive...? This was news to her, though considering how much Bane spoke of his family it was likely a minor detail. Her gaze turned from his scarred shoulder to his face as he rose and lifted himself away from her to settle on his side next to her in the comfy leaf litter. Following him, Tahlia rolled from her back onto her side to face him, smiling gently with eyes closed as he nosed at her cheek to place another kiss there. "What did Anais do to earn hers?"

The question was spoken casually, calmly, which might have made it more unsettling than had she gotten into a huff about it. But she was past the point of being mad. Too much had happened after the fact what with her becoming pregnant with their second litter and being exiled from Seracia for her to have spent too much time dwelling on it. Now, however, spying it as she had cuddled closely with her husband, there was nothing stopping her from asking questions. Her expression might not have been hardened with dislike, but there was a sternness there about her dark gold eyes that wanted answers, wanted to understand why her beautiful daughter had been scarred just like her brother. "Was I going to be told about it at some point?"