
Heart to Heart


05-05-2014, 01:37 PM

She smiled as her brother greeted, though her expression quickly became curious when he answered her question. She waited a moment to see if he would explain, and sure enough, he did. Russet audits slide forward, verdant gaze resting easily on her brother as his gaze drifted toward the mainland. A grin parted to features as soon as her brother mentioned a girl. She bit back the urge to tease him, listening as he continued. The more he spoke, the clearer it became that he was torn. Torn between love and family. Her brother would turn, his ears pinned back, he was looking for guidance. For a moment, she simply looked at him, memorizing her brothers features, the look of concern in his baby blues.

She would lean towards him, bumping her shoulder against his gently. "You couldn't get rid of me if you tried." A lopsided grin followed her words, wanting to ease her brothers worries. "We aren't going anywhere. We will all still be here, wherever here is. Go be with this girl, she makes you happy, you deserve it. And its not like you couldn't come visit." She hoped her words would be enough to soothe him. The woman was happy to see that her brother had found love, but she would be sad to see him. But he was old enough to start his life, to settle down and start a family.

A sigh slipped from her lips as her thoughts drifted to Aeron. While she cared deeply for the man, he was scarce, drifting in and out of her life, creating a sort of instability around her. That was something she didn't want. If she was going to settle down, then she wanted to do so with someone she could count always being around, almost being a shoulder to lean on. Not someone she had go and hunt down.