
Consuming Power


04-29-2013, 01:31 AM

A summer storm had brewed in the early morning, and had been casting its dreary and wet effects over the lands. It was cooler than it had been, and almost enjoyable if one could tolerate the rain and the lightning flashing and the thunder booming above. The rain pelted down, ripping through the tree branches and assaulting the ground in torrents. Rough winds violently shook the trees, scattering leaves in its wake. Puddles formed along the ground, the water pooling at the ends of gentle slopes.

Water soaked through her multi-colored fur, and the mud seeped between her claws, as she padded at a steady pace through the thick forest. Her head was down, and her ears would flick occasionally to cast the accumulating drops of water from them. Golden eyes, peered through the murky darkness that was often illuminated by a flash of lightning, as she worked her way through the forest, seeking shelter. She wasn?t a stranger to bad weather, through her travels she had been through her fair share of it. From blizzards to storms that were so violent, one would think that the earth was rebelling the life that was upon it; she?d been through both, and this storm would be no different.

A loud clap of thunder vibrated through the forest, and she suppressed a shudder. The mud here was becoming increasingly thick, and she worked harder than ever to get through it with her small wiry frame. That?s it, she thought with an annoyed huff, I?ve seriously got to find shelter, now. Finally pulling her white paws through the last of the mud, she turned and headed between a thick bush and a tree, hoping to find less worn trails.

The lightning illuminated her way again, and before her she saw a small clearing in the trees, and she paused at the edge of them. Looking around, she found a large oak tree with a whole in the bottom of it. Cautiously she picked her way towards it, scenting the air and cursing at the rain, which was making it more and more difficult. She didn?t scent anyone there, and cautiously ducked down to step inside of the tree. She was surprised with the room she seemed to have, as she paced in a circle before finally coming to rest on her haunches. She stretched out, her head facing outwards so she could see if anyone approached her. She laid there, her head resting on her outstretched paws for several moments before her eyes closed of their own volition. A gentle sigh escaped her maw, as she drifted off to sleep.

She was thrown headfirst into a dream. She was in the old forest that she had resided in with Ezra; she loped forward at and easy pace through the forest, dodging trees here and there. She ran for a while, happy to back in her old home, until she rounded a corner to where she and Ezra had shared a den. A whine came from her mouth, at the sight of her old friend, and she ran towards her yipping in excitement. Ezra stood as Eris ran towards her, the old dames tail wagging happily, and as Eris neared her, Ezra stretched out her muzzle to touch noses with her.

A loud clap of thunder and another illuminating flash of lightning ripped her out of her unconscious heaven, and she lifted her head with a frown on her face. It always seemed that she was ripped from her most pleasant dreams while being forced to continually relive her nightmares. She let out a sigh, and wrapped her tail around her small frame, then watched the rain fall with saddened eyes for a few moments before tipping back her head to let out a small mournful howl. Tears dripped from her golden eyes, as her heart broke for her long ago loss all over again.

"There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love."-Washington Ivring
