
meet again


05-05-2014, 08:08 PM

The man would give a nod, his smile not leaving his face. ?It has indeed.? His gaze would travel back to Hani for a moment. A new squire for Olympus... By the fact that she was training the girl he assumed that this was a rank that wolves who did not yet bear a specific skill were placed into. He would give another nod, cerulean hues still respectfully on the femme. ?I wish you the best of luck with your training, Hani. The path of a healer is a noble one indeed.?

While his own path was as a hunter for the pack, or Sigma, he knew that his role was important as well. Fighting and healing were necessary skills that truly benefited a pack... But hunters provided the food to give them the energy to perform their task much of the time. "Likewise Hani." His gaze would flick back to Natalya as she spoke, asking if they might spar again. It was a proposition he didn?t mind at all, and the male would give a nod.

?I would be happy to, Natalya. You are welcome to the first move.? That said the male would prepare for battle. The brute would spread his paws to widen his stance, planting them on the ground as he distributed his weight evenly. Tail would tuck, curling towards his belly as he lowered his head to align it with his spine. To give a bit more protection to his throat the male would tip his chin downward, ears laying flat against his skull and eyes narrowing into slits.

He would scrunch his neck, rolling shoulders forward and bending his knees to keep them loose. Arwel?s hackles would raise, jaw unhinging to be prepared for use. Stomach would tuck in and tense, a final preparation for whatever his ally may throw at him.


Rounds:: 0 || 1 || 2

Attacks:: None, Round Zero. No Moves Made.

Defenses:: Widened stance, planted paws {both to help with even weight distribution}, tucked tail, head lowered and aligned with spine, chin tipped downward, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled forward, knees bent, hackles raised, jaw unhinged, and stomach tensed / tucked.

Injuries:: None, Round Zero. No Moves Made.

Notes:: We can have three rounds if you want. xD I just figured a shorter spar might be better.