



6 Years
Dragon Mod
05-05-2014, 08:17 PM

I'm insane, I am smart

All it takes, is a spark, to ignite my bad intentions

And do what I do best to your heart
She was such a toy. A tease. Easy. Naive. The list went on and on. But perhaps it was her true nature, that or her hormones drove her to such lengths. Whichever was the case, he didn't mind. He would get what he wanted in the end. "Perhaps we can talk about it over dinner. I've got just the treat for you, I'm sure you will like what is on tonight's menu." He replied, all his charm pouring into his words. Amber gaze would bore into hers, the want he so desired hidden within the honey glow.

She moved toward him, such a daring girl. His tail brushed his back as it flicked with such dangerous ease, her intent clear, however, his hidden to an extent. He smiled at her, and slowly he would brush past her, his tail sliding across her body, down her neck, across her shoulders, over her back. And he would continue to walk towards the darkness. "I promise you won't be disappointed, I'll be back in a moment." He chuckled lightly, his form dashing into the nearby trees. He had spotted a den of a prey animal he had not had in a while, and he was sure she hadn't tasted it either. Certain prey varied from region to region, and this one he had tasted during his travels and liked quite alot. He would seek out the den quickly, retracing his steps until he had found it. With a satisfied grunt, he waited patiently for the creature to emerge, and luckily it did not take long. It hopped out, leaving the safety of its den. A devilish smile would crease his features, and without hesitation he rushed forward, and he was upon the animal within seconds. The pitiful creature screamed as his teeth closed over its spine, and with one swift movement it was dead. Standing, he moved off in another direction, his plot coming along swimmingly. This girl would not know what hit her. He would stuff the carcass with a herb he knew would render her nearly unconscious, a herb that would be identified as a sort of...undetectable, source. Rohydra, it was quite useful to him.

Once he located it, he would stuff the prey with a small amount; just enough to make her feel the effects. It had no smell, no taste. So she would not know what hit her. He would then return to her, tail and head held high as he caught her in his sights within another short moment. He would place the prey at her feet, muzzle reaching forward to her left ear as a whisper traced its way across her fur. "Bon appetit, darling. Afterwards we can have a"

Don't be fooled, I was raised by the wolves

Now the moon hangs in full, so you know I won't

Play by the rules