
Set the world on fire


05-05-2014, 08:53 PM

Nickolai would stand quietly in front of the female, idly watching her with disinterest in his golden eyes. Can I help you? The feline would shake his head in disapproval, a pitying look taking hold of his golden gaze. Sadly, I believe you are the one that will be in need of assistance little girl. He would chuckle, melting back into the shadows just as Demyan decided to reveal himself. A twisted grin would marr his features as he came into view, all 40 inches of him, scarred and bloodied monster that he was. He would raise himself to full height, his scarred chest puffing out as he stared down at the russet girl, plans for what he could with her already forming in his head.

He would move forward to circle her, keeping the circle tight, wanting to make her panicky and scared. Someone's a long way from home. He would croon huskily, a chuckle weaving its way through his words. He could taste the faint scent of pack on her, but it was stale enough to tell him that she hadn't been hanging around a pack in quite some time. Perfect. He didn't really care if she belonged to a pack or not, being not being around a pack made it easier on him, especially if he planned on keeping her.

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