
Set the world on fire



05-05-2014, 09:06 PM

Eyes narrowed as the feline spoke a warning before disappearing into the shadows. The girl would rise just as another slid onto the scene. Blue and silver snapped towards the male that towered over her and easily out weighed her. Words flowed from his pale jaws as he lifted himself high, his chest puffing out. The girl remained unimpressed. She was not afraid of wolves larger than herself, after all, her own father was a giant. Nostrils quivered, inhaling his scent. He was a rogue, though blood seemed to embedded in his smell. Hips swung out so that she faced the man head on. As she adjusted her position, her allowed her limbs to square, toes to spread and her tail to fall straight with her spine.

"Home is wherever I desire it to be." Silky words flowed from creamy jaws. Eyes narrowed as she watched the man, her chin tipping to cove her throat. "I find it hard to believe a man of your stature finds pleasure in the company of a feline." It was an assumption, but their scents clung to each other faintly. He was impress to say the least, scars littered his body, though he was still a fine piece of eye candy to the younger girl.

He had begun to circle her, forcing to her move as well. Limbs carried her gracefully, hips swinging so that she kept the man in front of her. Clearly he had plans for her. For now the girl would dance, she would play his game, see where it got her. But first, he would need to keep her attention, she would fight her way out if he bored her. A slow grin curled her lips as she remained in constant motion.