
Told You So


05-06-2014, 12:55 AM

Cherokee had imagined himself to be a good father to his children but that was far from the reality. He was a terrible father. Maybe not the worst, but he certainly wasn't the best. He had left his family for an unsaid amount of time, missing out on his youngest childrens' puphood. This was not how he had imagined his life to play out since having left his family behind. Cherokee was back for good in Ludicael lands, but he wasn't sure if he was wanted with his family. Did his children resent him? Did Song resent him? He didn't have the nerve to ask because he wasn't sure if he would be able to stomach it.

He'd been meaning to speak with his eldest children to see how they were doing, but he found it rather difficult to locate any of them, so the knight had wandered to some of the newer lands of Ludi, hoping that his some of children might be wandering out around there. No such luck. The hot springs were pretty vacant, only the warm rising vapor visible. A quiet sigh would slip past ebon kissers as Cherokee moved towards the closest springs, his spine tingling with the heat of the spring. It was a nice feeling and he would zone in on it as he seated himself at the edge of one of the warm pools, lids falling closed over bi-colored eyes, senses remaining alert, hoping that one of his children would stumble upon him.

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