
Lost Queen


05-06-2014, 04:25 AM

She continued to walk towards the stranger, more sure than ever that something was vaguely familiar about her. The way she looked was no coincidence. She had the same cobalt fur that Taurig had, even though hers was not as dark as her father. Pandora's mind was clicking away, like an author who was consumed with a story idea on a typewriter. She got to the bottom of the page and the bell signifying the end went off. It was there in front of her, but Pandora was afraid to read the result.
Pandora looked over the girl's frame, noticing the differences and similarities in comparison. She was, in no way, related to Maija. The gold was only noted from her Romanian mother and her littermates. Silver was indeed different from her little family and she pondered where the girl's silver accents had come from. Questions would be pushed to the back of her mind as she slowly answered Talvi's unsure response. "I think I may know now..." Her eyes met Talvi's, the shade exactly like Taurig's before he was blinded. Of course, Pandora had missed knowing her dad when he could see. Maija had told them what color his opts were before his blindness and that color was in the stranger's sockets. "You have Dad's eyes...and his blue fur..." Her nose wiggled again for good measure, ensuring that the scent was still there. "We are family."

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