
Take Me To The River


05-06-2014, 09:04 AM


Adelaide found herself wandering across these rocks, her blue eyes absently searching for rare herbs. It had become a habit now, as if she was unable to let her mind rest. These past weeks had been spent in Ebony lands, attending meetings as the newest member. She desperately wanted to win the approval of her leaders and convince them of her talent. She still wanted to make her mother proud.

But now she had decided to take a short break, exploring the lands outside of Ebony. Her brain seemed to ache with her endless hours of healing study, and she needed to distract herself. Just for today. So the white maiden paced across an endless sea of jagged rocks and rushing water, leaping from stone to stone with surprising ease. The young woman had always been graceful, as her slight figure had also been inherited from her mother. So many things about Adelaide were tied to her mother. It made it a bit difficult to look at her reflection. Luckily this water was moving too quickly to provide a clear image. Besides, she had no reason to look down.

The water crashed and bucked against the rocks, spraying her legs with a fine mist. She continued to jump across the delta, eventually making it to the other side. She coiled her legs once more and leapt to the peak of a massive boulder. Here she sat, gazing down the slope of the angry river to where it met with the sea. This was truly a beautiful sight to behold, nothing like Adelaide had ever seen before. She smiled a bit at the fading light of the day, watching where the horizon began to bleed. This view reminded her of a lullaby that her mother had sung to her as a pup. On a whim, the young woman began to sing it to herself quietly.

"Take me where the wind blows... take me to the sun... take me to a river that flows to the sea..." her eyes stung a bit as she heard her voice, another thing that was so similar to her mother. "When I close my eyes then I can see, and I am not afraid..."

Her short song complete, the maiden shut her crystalline blue eyes. This released a single tear that tumbled down her cheek and into the crashing waves below.
