
Welcome to My Home


05-06-2014, 10:44 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The noise outside eventually stilled and went away, but still overcautious Yin waited, continuing to stare out of the den in half anticipation of seeing someone or something appear there a little too curiously nosing around where they had been. Nothing appeared, everything stayed quiet, and eventually the white wolf with the black tail relaxed, easing back more comfortably onto her side. Klypso did the same, sprawling rather comically onto his stomach and then rolling over so that he looked even more like a playful pup. Yin merely raised a brow at his antics and wondered where it had all come from.

He questioned their current location, asking whether it was permanent or not, and the green and blue eyed woman at first did not know how to answer. "I haven't had a permanent den in years," she admitted, unsure if she wanted one. She liked being free to leave and move at any moment, liked being able to find other sections of the north and admire them for a while before moving on to the next.

The ruckus outside had started up again and quickly wore away at Klypso's patience. He got to his paws again and raced outside to bark and snarl and make noise back at them. Yin bristled slightly as she too got to her paws, hoping whatever had been lurking around their den was far enough away by now not to hear him, and crept out into the snow to watch him in puzzlement and keep her mismatched eyes around for possible returning danger.