
we shall not overcome



3 Years
05-06-2014, 02:42 PM

Had Dutiron been aware that Saga wished to venture out a little more and not be left alone, chances were he would have tried harder to persuade her to join him on his quests for knowledge and adventure. Although the rest of his siblings it seemed were more willing to explore without the little nudges, Dutiron simply assumed that for whatever reason, Saga simply wasn't as interested as the rest of them. It was fair enough, Sound certainly enjoyed to play more than he and Saga was a little more distant in some ways than many of the family. It certainly didn't mean he loved his sister any less though, and would hate to know that his actions had brought any jealousy to the girl.

He shook his head sadly at her question. There unfortunately hadn't been too much to see this evening it seemed, though he was quickly discovering things about the world around him, he had to take a breather at some point, even if he wasn't aware of the fact himself. "Not tonight. Maybe I will tomorrow." He responded, giving her a verbal answer in accompaniment with the shake of his head.

At her comment of the water Dutiron would drop his yellow gaze down to the water, eyeing it with a small smile crossing his muzzle. "I'd just watch it from a safe distance if I were you." He suggested, recalling the chilly dip he'd witnessed their brother taking not that long ago. It'd been warmer then than it was now, and Dutiron could only imagine how much they'd shiver if either chose to take a little paddle tonight. "Requiem went for a little paddle a few days ago, it was pretty cold."