
Annihilation Will be Unavoidable



Extra small
05-06-2014, 02:43 PM (This post was last modified: 05-06-2014, 02:45 PM by Syrinx.)

?This time the anger was not shown outwardly. This time it was purely and justifiably internal. Though, there was a certain unrest to it; normally?
he was bothered and continually cautious about how he displayed things. However, in her presence remembering to contain his anger was easy,?
and it was simply because he enjoyed her. He was more angered with himself for exactly that problem. Chrysanthe and Epiphron would not?
approve of his associations with she, and yet he found himself not caring. She would be no danger to them if he were in the picture. Not if he had a?
say in it. His lips tightened into a dark smirk and he watched her carefully. She was, clearly, more of the manipulative type. He was merely a pain.?
Regardless of either of their uncolloquial means of accomplishing things it was in their facelessness to society that they could regard each other (or?
at least he regards her) for their absurd means of taking to their winnings. She to her kingdom which she had abandoned; and he to his which he?
had done the same with. They were both oddities. Giving up their fortunes when they had only just received them. They were?
disappointing--naturally, but it was all in good fun. They would grow to change those things. With both of them it was their abominable?
youth. Though, it could be argued he was years her senior. It could also be argued that a woman matures faster. ?
??I care not for reason, ma bell?. You did it. Yet, as aforementioned I do not loathe you; but loathe your actions,? Her family was of no?
care to him. He had no standing in her line and so it was easy for him to shrug them off and care little of their destruction to befall them. In her?
eyes it were the same. The Adravendi were nothing to her and so she cared little for the destruction that should befall them. Syrinx could not hate?
her for him doing the same. Hypocrisy was not tolerable, ?Your white king is a proud man. I do not find fault in you for following such?
beauty. Is it not whispered that the anti-christ himself would be worshipped solely for his immaculate beauty??
And such was true. A demon?
was beautiful in every right. However, his point was viable enough to be changed and be told exactly, ?Yet I still tore him down that day. His?
beauty is compelling, but the will of the beast is far greater,?
Syrinx could argue with her for ages on why they did the things they did, but as?
beings they were compelled only to worship themselves. Syrinx knew all too well what she would get herself into in life. He had gotten himself?
into half of it, ?You do what you do for your family. They are the same things I would do for my own. Still...let?s quit acting as though there?s?
a shred of nobility beyond our devotion to our family,?
??You question me about blood. It runs deeper. It connects us or tears us apart. They are the most lethal to us because they know us.?
Regardless, your standing and my own standing on watching the world burn are entirely selfish. We could protect them without such means. We?
just have a thirst for chaos,?
He would stand and regard her for a long moment; watching her was thrilling because it was like talking to?
himself. Her mind was fresh and it needed to be trained more to what a Queen needed to be, but every glimmer of chance and possibility was?
written there. She was the most capable he had seen in so long. Breathtaking. ?Can you agree that should you have no family you?d likely still?
want to tear down the pillars that hold our world? You would. As would I. Though, maybe then it would be from the speakings of loneliness.?
Maybe then it would change our regards. I?m not evil. I just have an interesting way of showing my good intentions to those that think themselves?
more entitled,?
And that was true. Syrinx would die for his family if asked of him. He?d lie down and allow his life be taken for anyone blood?
to him or that had sworn themselves to their family, but until that day he would continue on his bravado of rage and animosity to push away those?
that were too weak to follow behind him. Those that were too ill-minded to assist in the protection of his family would be warded off by either his?
grotesque features or the abominable personality. Either way, only select few would be wise enough to judge the man by his purpose versus his?methods of fulfilling his purpose.