
Brand New Day


05-06-2014, 03:07 PM

Poem had slowly been making her way around these new lands, having split from her siblings to explore on her own for a bit. After spending time in the north it was a welcome relief to be making her way back toward the slightly warmer areas. Of course, with winter soon coming everywhere would be colder, but at least it wouldn't be quite as frigid. For this she was grateful.

The tri-colored Destruction padded along the cliff, having already gotten bored of the view. It was just the ocean, what was there to look at? But, soon she would see a figure standing in her path up ahead, a two-toned wolf, a younger male by the smell of him. Poem wouldn't slow her pace. She would instead keep on moving toward him, figuring he would either move out of her way or want to speak, neither of which she would have a problem with.

As she got closer she decided that perhaps the better thing to do would be to stop and chat, figuring that the more wolves she knew around here the better. It seemed like a hassle, but none of the less she would do it. She would sigh softly and her long strides would slowly come to a stop several feet from him. She didn't know what to expect of his personality so she wouldn't want to get too close till she had figured him out. "Hello," she would say simply, already mildly regretting her decision to stop. She would settle onto her haunches, her tail sweeping to curl around her neatly, waiting to see if this male was in fact worth speaking to.
