
Not designed to be alone



5 Years
05-07-2014, 03:04 AM (This post was last modified: 05-07-2014, 03:05 AM by Novella.)
ooc: OK, so looking at the timeline I have, Symphony would still be missing here

Novella it seemed was becoming a little more forgiving than many of her siblings, a strong desire to keep the family altogether certainly left her willing to let things slide whilst others would hold a bit of a grudge. There was enough tension in the family though, even if Novella wasn't fully aware of the situation between her older siblings she certainly knew that she wished it'd just stop. As for Gitan, whilst he had indeed been the one to initially drag Symphony away it'd been her choice too and they couldn't be mad with him just because they'd fallen in love.

Novel was progressing in her studies at a rather impressive rate. She'd grown up astonishingly quickly as well, and whilst still tiny compared to the rest of her siblings, the young healer certainly wasn't that little pup that she'd first met a year ago. Gitan would obviously agree with the statement of Novel's skill though would attempt to hand some of the recognition to Novella herself still as well. She would shrug off the comment, not entirely sure what to make of it. Still she thought she hadn't been all that much help, she'd panicked herself when it'd been revealed that there were some complications and then rushed off to see Song after the brief introduction to her nephews and niece. How was that much of a comfort really?

"If you say so." She responded giving in rather than arguing with it any further, it was a pointless thing to do and she certainly didn't want to argue with him either. "How's everyone doing? Sorrel left the den yet?" It astounded her how withdrawn her nephew was, F?li, Cerise they'd probably be fine, but Sorrel was so quiet and seemed to keep his distance from everyone, even her. She wouldn't take it personally, though she was still a little concerned for the timid boy. But of course the main thing she wondered but was almost afraid to bring up. "Have you heard anything from Symphony yet?" Even more than the silly grudges in the family this worried her. Where on earth had Symphony gone? To leave her family like that, she didn't dare think of the possibilities for it worried her more than anything else.

image by yumpy