
Lost Queen



3 Years
05-07-2014, 04:20 AM

Her words apparently silenced the other for a moment. She didn't really mean anything personal by it, but this conclusion that her mind had leapt to left Talvi feeling rather hurt herself, she just couldn't understand the situation, how unfair it seemed to her right now. There was distance between them once more as the gold marked girl played with the dirt, though soon she would lift her head to speak once more before Talvi could flee completely.

Her words may have been the truth, but on a technicality Talvi still wouldn't accept this new family that had never been a part of her life. Pandora was around the same age, she couldn't be faulted for it really, but to claim their connection on a stranger just still didn't quite cut it in her eyes. It was tough, she adored her family, had accepted her half siblings on her mother's side but this, could she really count her father's side as family?

"Whilst that may be true she's the only reason I've continued to exist." Argent had been swift to make sure she understood she was defenceless as a pup, too small to look after herself alone. She'd grown now, but only thanks to that early care from her mother and later the pack, Glaciem was more her family than this stranger that she was only linked to through blood. It was a fate she assumed now that he'd brought upon himself and now the rest of the family would simply have to suffer for it.

"I've never met my father, he abandoned my mother and siblings. That is not how you treat family." Admittedly her sister had vanished without even a goodbye, but surely there was a reason for that, their early connection had her searching for now at least.