
There Is A Silver Lining



6 Years
05-07-2014, 08:19 AM

Azalea had caught word of Sarak going to retrieve her sons. No one had told her exactly when that was happening and it seemed like they suggested it best for her to sit this one out. She did, she had, at least for a little while. Sarak was long departed by the time Azalea grew antsy on her toes and began to fester under the skin.

How could they even make the suggestion that she not involve herself? A light growl bubbled up and she choked on it before it could escape. With a lick of her lips she found finality in her decision. Azalea Adravendi would go to her children.

The north was much the same as last she saw it, eerily so. This was not Sparse Pines but it was Glaciem land non-the-less. Nose pressed to the ground, fur on end, following Sarak's much familiar scent. She didn't know where he was going. She wasn't aware that Glaciem had spread like a disease in the north.

Azalea's body froze, hidden by stunted pine trees, as the voice that had haunted her spoke. ?How quaint of you to stop by sir, but leaving so soon?? Azalea's heart rate spiked and she felt quite suddenly like a caged bird fluttering desperately for an escape that could not be found. Isardis was threatening, even in a placid state. She forced herself to breathe.

Gathering herself Azalea stepped into sight, moving to stand beside Sarak with her eyes locked on her children. Soren stood tail tucked in fear. A rage bloomed in her chest, painful and hot like a spike sent through her heart. How dare Isardis scare her sons, their sons. She held herself together, resigned and calm on the exterior. Her eyes though gazed longingly and loving to her boys, now so large, so much like their blood father.

"Boys," She didn't know what else to say, feeling as though she had betrayed them by fleeing. How could she order them to come to her like they belonged to her when she had left them? Her attention turned to Isardis, back leg side stepping so that her fur could mingle with Sarak's.

"You have so many children with so many females and of them all you choose these to treat so cruelly. Perhaps you are losing your edge, Isardis, for not using your time to turn them against me. And what fine adults they are becoming. They could have been so useful to you but instead they fear you. I had told them nothing of you or your existence, you could have been the hero father who was in deed alive but instead you are the demon who held them against their will and struck fear into their very core. Congratulations."

Azalea felt she was provoking him and it made her tremble, her mind too soon to remember how he overtook her in her time of weakness. It was nearly that time of year again.

"Let us leave, Isardis. Honor the agreement. I am not dumb, I know you will be at us the first chance you get."