



8 Years
05-07-2014, 10:20 AM (This post was last modified: 05-07-2014, 10:21 AM by Qanik.)

Qanik listened intently as Roman spoke of the wolves she had accepted lately. Something seemed off when she spoke of the wolf Qanik had yet to meet, but Qanik couldn't quite decipher the expression so she made a note to track this Faust down herself and see if there was something there to be concerned with, and for now spoke up to add, "I have accepted a few members myself that I haven't had the chance to introduce to you. A male, Aldoro, and two females, Aithusa and Elli. Elli is a trained healer, though she expressed a desire to be a guardian rather than a healer. I have hopes that she will train Gossamir in that craft."

Roman had spoken of a new ally, Arcanum, and it's queen who was of interest. Qanik cocked her head to the side consideringly. "Interesting how?" she wondered aloud, with faint wariness. Not that she didn't trust Roman's judgement, but her time as a loner as well as so many changes in such a short time had left Qanik somewhat leery of trusting strangers. "Perhaps next time you speak to another pack, you might consider bringing one of Tortuga's more... trustworthy warriors with you?" she added delicately. She didn't want to step on Roman's toes, but Roman's safety was one of her foremost concerns. With a steady warrior by her side, one who wouldn't interfere with delicate negotiations or ruin them altogether with an emotional outburst, Roman would be at least a little safer when she went to meet with pack leaders. She would have to consider carefully as to the best to send with her... Hmm...

She shook herself out of her reverie. "Please don't feel like you need to have a lot of things to discuss to call for me, Roman. My job is to do your will, so knowing this will help me to do that, but I also consider myself your friend. It is certainly no hardship for me to answer your call, whatever the reason," she told her gently. Especially if that reason is because you needed the comfort of seeing a friendly face, she added silently to herself.

OOC: ermehgerd Roamer thank you so very much for the lovely new table!
