
Where Can I Go From Here?



05-07-2014, 11:00 AM

The boy stared out of their safe haven at the murky waters of the pond. He gave a little cough as Crucifix seemed to wait in the silence. His russet fur was becoming unruly as it dried, and he was itching to groom it clean of the sand and disgusting pond water. Then he decided to go ahead and do it. He and Crucifix were close enough for him not to be embarrassed. Dayton pushed his slim body from the sand, the muscles in his legs trembling and twitching with the effort. Then he shook himself out, releasing the final drips of moisture and clumps of sand. He was sure to step away from the darker boy before doing so, not wanting to soil his fine coat as well. As he finished throwing his weight from side to side, he would stumble and nearly fall back into the sand. This wasn't normal. He needed to rest.

The smaller brute returned to where he laid before, settling into the sand on his haunches. His tongue moved repeatedly across his shoulders first, moving further down his back as he picked small twigs and strands of grass from his pelt. When he was a bit more comfortable with his appearance, he stopped. He didn't want to seem rude. So he smiled at Crucifix and uttered a quiet laugh. "Sorry about that. I just couldn't stand the feeling of sand in my fur." He even threw the other boy a wink before laying out again and resting his head on his paws.

As his companion spoke, he listened. But what he said seemed to hit a guarded wall in Dayton's mind. "What do you mean? Misha would never hurt me... I am happy. We are happy. My life is perfectly fine the way it is." But the words were so false to him, he could hear the stress in his own voice. Hadn't he thought the same thing a moment ago? That Misha's offense could be worse than that of his own father's? The one that raped him? Could that really be possible?

Dayton had lived most of his young life in uncertainty and fear. Only recently had he finally felt secure. He didn't want to return to his old life of not knowing, not ever feeling safe. But that would how his mind was seeming to function now. Every thought was a frantic question. Why was Crucifix saying these things? Was it really that obvious that his relationship was abusive? Was his relationship abusive? Could he handle the mood swings that Misha seemed to be prone too?

Was he lying to himself?
