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05-07-2014, 01:48 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had been expecting some big animal to come out, drawn by Klypso's barking, but had never imagined the danger to be in the form of the birds themselves. It took the increase in cries from the tree for Yin to even glance their way, and by then they were already on the attack. One in paticular seemed to have it out for the male wolf, reaching for his ear and succeeding in nipping clean through it with a bite that pulled to further the tear. Yin growled and leaped forward to add her own voice to the mix, hoping to scare the rest into fleeing rather than aiding their belligerent ally. It seemed to work, and with frightened cries they left, flying away in a flurry of wings and feathers.

Ears set back in annoyance, the white wolf watched them leave before turning her narrowed, assessing gaze back on her new companion, admittedly surprised by how badly his ear had been torn. Obviously it was causing him some distress as was evident by the tones of his whines an whimpers, as well as the way he could not leave it alone. He slippe to the ground and rolled to press the injured appendage in the snow, a move she hoped might help to soothe it as she stepped closer to inspect.

He could hardly stay still, complaining about the wound even as he got up and went back inside. Yin followed, sitting down beside him and peering closely at the opening alon his ear. She wished just a little that either of them would have been more knowledgeable about plants. As far as she could tell, the snow had been the best idea. "Did the snow help?" Maybe he needed to go back and lay a little longer in it. "Does it need to be cleaned more?"