
Where Can I Go From Here?



2 Years
05-07-2014, 02:45 PM (This post was last modified: 05-07-2014, 02:45 PM by Crucifix.)

Day it seemed had the right idea, shaking free the last clinging substances from the sea, washing away both it and the memories of that little trauma. Cru would be quick to do the same, shaking out his coat a few paces from their makeshift den and giving himself a vigorous shake down and quick one over with his tongue. As Day completed his cleaning, so too did Day and the dark mottled boy would take a seat once more beside him. He had forgotten how unpleasant it had felt with the horrid clinging feel of salt and sand to his pelt, and felt oddly light and free now that he was parted with it. ?yeah, it?s pretty terrible? Cru admitted, not quite feeling up to smiling, but there was a bit more of a twinkle against his violet eyes.

They had cleaned at settled, and once more there was no distraction from the conversation that loomed over then. Day seemed taken aback by his words, as though they simply didn?t connect together, as through what Cru said just couldn?t be true. happy, perfect? no, it was none of those things, Cru settled his eyes upon Day, trying to read him, trying to see if her admitted this in his mind as easily as he admitted it to the outside world.

Cru would sigh again, a trait that was starting to feel too familiar to him as he moved himself closer to Day, so that he looked him straight in the eyes with little space for the other to move away. ?I can?t really judge without all the facts, yet I?m doing so anyway. Forgive me, and lets try and get some sleep. The sooner we do the sooner we can wake up and find your Misha? his voice was soft, and tinged with a sadness also shown within the shines of his coloured eyes.

"My sounds""My Soul"