
kiss with a fist


04-29-2013, 10:35 AM

"Well. Don't you just make a gal feel insignificant." The young she-wolf gazed up the length of a massive redwood, ears flicked back against her skull as she craned her neck backwards. Even then she could not discern the top, for the tree's gargantuan limbs disappeared into what seemed like an endless canopy of green dappled with golden sunlight. The rogue's nose twitched as she sniffed at the air, taking in the damp, piney scent of the giant before her. She could detect the bitter-sweet smell of moss, and the sharp aroma of pine sap. Never before had she witnessed such colossal titans, and despite herself, Viseria found that she was humbled by them. After a moment the rogue stepped away from the base of the redwood, lowering her head to sniff around the foliage at its base. Following her nose, the she-wolf moved forward with light, mincing paw-steps, absorbing the many new scents associated with this strange forest.

It wasn't long before the female stopped dead as the sharp, unmistakeable scent of pack borders assaulted her nose. Her fur bristled instinctively, and Viseria backed up a few steps, ears thrust forward as she cast mocha-brown eyes about for any sign of the pack that had marked these trees. Her own experienced with pack life had been less than ideal, and she could only assume that any tyrant that ruled these monolithic trees was every bit as ruthless as the bitch that had once been her alpha. The timber-colored rogue remained where she was, knowing that there was no use in trying to slink away -- no doubt her scent had already been noticed. At least she hadn't quite stepped over the pack's borders -- perhaps they would allow her to go her own way in peace.