
shattered pathways



5 Years
Extra large
05-07-2014, 03:55 PM (This post was last modified: 05-07-2014, 03:55 PM by Taurig.)

Concern would lace itself across the titan's features as he stood before Newt, waiting for some sort of response. But none came. The silence between them seemed to grow infinitely and Taurig was beginning to get the feeling that something terrible had happened. And the sound of sand shifting would reach his ears and he would feel Newt move closer. He would stay completely still, hoping that perhaps something had clicked and she was coming to embrace him. But much to his surprise there would be a grazing across his shoulder, barely noticeable and then the sharp metallic taste of blood would reach his scarred nose. She'd...bitten him? But why? Bewilderment would replace his concern as he gazed in the direction of Newt, dark brows furrowed together.

And then finally she was speaking, relief flooding his system. Blood speaks truth. It calls to me and with its taste comes revelations. Don?t shit yourself now Taurig, blood and shit just don?t mix you know. His own laugh would bubble from his ebony jaws, chest heaving with the motion. There's my Newt. For a moment I thought something had happened to you, but I can see now that you're just fine. How have you been my friend? It's been quite some time since I've seen you. A lot has happened since the last time we were together. Haunches would fold beneath the gargantuan as he sat, hoping that they could sit and talk awhile, and maybe if his family was wandering nearby, they could meet the giantess.
