
Silence Is Strong


05-08-2014, 12:20 AM
OOC: All Able bodied wolves are expected to show up. Warriors, Epsilons, Gammas, trackers, apprentices and whoever else would like to learn. MUST Reply by 5/17 or Sephiroth will be speaking to Erani about No-shows who have no good reason for being absent.

It was early morning, one of the peak moments when the fog was dense. He stepped into their mysterious territory of the Druids Moor, his mind clear unlike the air around him. He wasn't sure what it was about the Fog, but it seemed to mute the world around him. Even his own paw steps were silenced, his figure being enveloped by swirling mist. Luckily, he knew exactly where the stone circle was, and it was there he would commence training. Claws clicked silently upon the stone floor, dual toned aquamarine eyes gazing ahead before glancing to the sides, though the stone structures were practically invisible with the thick fog. Not even the sun seemed able to penetrate it today. A grin would curl his lips, good. That's just how he wanted it. Stopping in the center, he would tilt his head back and send out a howl. Calling forth all able bodied warriors and others who wanted to learn. He had plans in mind, and today he would begin to set them in motion. The call echoed all around him, both eerily amplified and muffled by the blanket of fog. He then waited, nostrils flaring to catch scents of those approaching, however, the scent of damp mist was incredibly strong in this strange part of the land. He hoped a decent amount of the pack would show up...else he'd have to speak with Erani.
