
Home Is Not Here



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
05-08-2014, 04:43 AM
First, a scent. Though she did not bother to turn around for whoever it was, was of no concern to her. The girl figured it was a passing loner, though moments later it would seem that loner would find its way to her. A voice of an unknown caused her to turn her head almost too quickly, startling her slightly. A male she had never seen before was approaching, questions upon his tongue. He didn't seem to be hostile, but she wasn't sure if she could trust him at all. The female that had kidnapped her almost a year ago had acted the same way before hurting and enslaving her. His demeanor confused her slightly, for he soon bowed his head to her and she wondered what sort of display he was trying to offer. He had introduced himself, explained himself a bit before finally asking about her pack. Pain seemed to cloud her eyes for no more then a split second as she turned away. Wary, however, she would remain where she was even as he sat near her. If someone was truly evil, they wouldn't do as he had just done, right?

Glancing at him, she would study him for several moments before taking a deep breath to answer. "M...My name is Avalon, daughter of Gargoyle and Ocena." She turned, facing the water as her thick plumed tail curled around her large paws. At 39", she was larger then everyone she had come across. Then again, she held her father's build. Even for her large stature, she held some feminine curves...though nothing she really noticed considering she hadn't noticed in the first place. "My pack...used to live here. Before that, I used to live in Old Glaciem when my Father was Alpha, before it was stolen from us. So, I guess you can say I'm out here alone, waiting." Waiting for what? She wasn't sure...perhaps a shred of hope, that someday, things would be okay...that they would return...that she would see her family again...that she would be happy.


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