
Lets Fill Our Stomachs!



8 Years
05-08-2014, 08:59 AM

Qanik listened Iintently as Ritsuka detailed his plan. The boy knew what he was doing... then again she did expect that from him. Qanik nodded her acceptance of her and Gossamir's role in the hunt, but before she could get on to it Misha unexpectedly cringed away from some part of the plan and took off. There was little Qanik could see to be done about it when her presence was needed for the hunt, but she stared after her thoughtfully for a moment. Something would have to be done. For now though, Ritsuka was rearranging their hunting pattern to accommodate her loss though her role had not changed. Noting the direction Ritsuka had indicated, she headed off with the eager Gossamir to scout.


Ritsuka's prediction of where the herd would be seemed to be proving correct, and Qanik thought them likely quite close when Gossamir wretched, an awful miserable sound, and vomited. Qanik turned toward her instinctively, worried and wanting to help but Gossamir spoke up to excuse herself from the hunt. Qanik shook her head. "Dont worry about it, Gossamir. We will manage. You just get some rest." Gossamir took off, presumably in the direction of her den, and Qanik continued on.

As she has thought the herd was only a short ways from where she was. She watched the long-legged beasts for a moment, eyes picking out the possibilities before she returned to the rest of the pack at a lope.

"Gossamir is out," she reported first. "She took ill and had to leave. The herd is about where you expected, less than a mile south I would guess. They are calm for now, as I was not scented at all. There are a few possibilities... an older buck with a limp, probably injured by a younger buck... a few older does that aren't moving so well, one may be going blind." Report made and awaiting any further orders, Qanik relaxed, head cocked to the side just slightly as she watched him.
