
If we ever meet again


05-08-2014, 12:49 PM

He would seem to shift uncomfortably as her frigid stare glared at him, the tip of her tail flicking impatiently as she waited for his response. "The Yarrow I gave you for blood clotting? can be toxic if you take it regularly, and thus it will have to be given to you sparingly as we asses your injuries and healing.." Yarrow? What in the hell was Yarrow, and where did he get this "deadly" herb from, and why was he shoving it in her mouth!? She would sigh heavily, the realization that she should not have swallowed the herbs setting in ten fold. He's probably trying to make me overdose... She would think to herself as she listened to him talk about the pain reliever, which had worse side effects than the Yarrow. ?What I gave you for pain? its stronger than most, because of your injuries. It?s quite numbing, and.. and its going to numb more than just your pain but your stress and emotions too so you might be.. er.. a little more forward and relaxed and what not? Her head would cock as she blankly stared up at him, her eyes growing wider than usual as she blinked. "If you are lying or have any ill intentions, may the gods help you Alpine." She would grumble, her eyes narrowing as she glared into his baby blue eyes. Though she did not take him as being a devious soul she couldn't let her assumptions calm her- she did not know Alpine very well, and for all she knew he could be a mass murderer who uses poisons to stun his victims. Ever since her kidnapping she has been very weary, even toward those she thought she trusted and knew.

Her head would slowly sink toward the earth as she laid it against the soft soil, her eye lids slipping shut as the pain began to subside. She would lay there in silence as the herbs numbing effect consumed her body, and within a few minutes, she was completely numb. She would attempt to stretch her legs out, but despite her demands her body would remain lifeless, though her brain was running miles an hour. She would glance down toward her chest, her eyes growing wide in astonishment as her breastbone continued to rise and fall despite the fact that she could not feel herself breathing, or her heart beating. This is when she would panic. Fear coursed through the woman as she helplessly tried to open her mouth to speak, but her jaws seemed to be glued together, as she could not open them. Instead she would whine weakly, her cry laced with fear and worry. How long would she have to feel this way, how long until she could feel her body functioning?
