
Baby, it's cold outside [ Joining ]


05-08-2014, 06:06 PM

Pain would shoot up his shoulder as the female would shift her weight to his shoulder, after lifting her crown to snap at his face. Immediately as she released her grip, the man would release his own, nearly expecting a counter attack, and jerking back, the woman's strong jaws snapping at his ear tips, the velveteen skin tearing. The sensation of blood met his brain, turning him to more of an aggressive approach, then setting his defenses after taking swift steps backwards. Ringed tail would thrash behind him like the pearly femme for balance, as he would once more evenly distribute his weight, and his body would contort to protect vital areas. He would tuck his neck to protect his jugular, as well as narrowing his eyes to slits to prevent any damage from soil and snow.

The summer child's entire body would unfurl as he would thrust himself toward her frame, swerving about her, making sure to drag his paws upon the ground to kick up snow and perhaps blind the alphess briefly for long enough for the man to lurch forth and attempt to slam his good shoulder into the taller pearly female's abdomen. Though the size difference was not much, he still could easily reach her lower body. After his attempt to unbalance the pearlescent femme, he would snap at her other shoulder, in attempt to wear her down a bit, but not too much, as this was only a friendly spar, and he did not want to cripple his leader.


Quote:Round Two of Three

Defenses: Tail out for balance, weight evenly distributed, body scrunched up to protect vital areas, tucked neck, narrowed eyes, teeth bared.

Attacks: Kicking up snow in attempt to blind her briefly, slamming good/left shoulder into Roman's right side of her stomach, and snapping at her other shoulder

Injuries: Moderate bite to right shoulder, bruising to side from Roman's shoulder, moderate bite on left ear.
OOC: It was no trouble, I understood it as well as I could. If I didn't, let me know so I can think about it when I post next. :3