
Coming Together (Tortuga Event)


05-08-2014, 06:27 PM

"We'll be kings and queens in this dream,"

The golden man would wish the summer child luck before he too set his defenses. The summer child's honey gaze would focus on the smaller boy's frame, looking at each of his defenses as he would set them, searching for any easily distinguishable flaws in it. When nothing would leap at him in the quick search, honey gaze would once again train itself upon the golden child, gaze hardening as eyes would become narrowed to slits. He would not be defeated by this smaller boy, but he would not beat him, either. Legs would spread outwards, digits spreading to grip the snowy ground, as his body would contort to protect his vitalities, scrunching his neck up, tucking his chin, raising his hackles, contorting his muzzle, raising his tail, tucking his abdomen.

The golden boy would lurch forth to assault him, and honey gaze would only look at him, watching carefully as he would thrust himself (Dayton) toward the summer child. Russet orange ears would pin as his legs would shuffle swiftly in a sidestepping motion, narrowly brushing the golden boy's charge, but his shoulder would still slam into his own and cause him to waver slightly, and he quickly would raise himself high to avoid the smaller male's snap toward his neck, to which he would reply to with bringing his head down to hopefully collide with the golden boy's and clamp his jaws onto his left shoulder, in attempt to cripple him so he would not be as successful in the attempts to outspeed him. He was smaller indeed, but the man, at thirty inches, was not all heavy, and was purely skin, bones, and muscle, from the days spent training with the Kalendaes.

AUGUST vs. Dayton
Round One of Two

Quote:Defenses: Legs spread outwards, digits spreading to grip the snowy ground, body contorted to protect his vitalities, scrunching neck up, tucking chin, raising hackles, contorting muzzle, raising tail, tucking abdomen.

Attacks: Bringing head down to hopefully collide with Dayton's, then attempting to bite at his left shoulder.

Injuries: Minor bruising to left shoulder, moderate bruising to lower jaw should his attack to slam his head down on Dayton's head succeed.

OOC: Hopefully my post wasn't too confusing, okay? PM me if it was, and I will explain some things more clearly if needed. ❤️