
Marked to Die: Battle Training!



5 Years
05-08-2014, 06:54 PM
ooc: Just a note of clarification DEFAULTS APPLY. They begin now so please be prompt in your replies. You must finish your spars by 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, May the 17th (this excludes judging). Please don't be a putz and purposely wait to the last second to screw up your opponent. xD Ok, lets go people we're almost done! We'll probably save the melee fighting for the next round of training? which has to happen in winter so again? chop, chop yo!

Poison dripping off my fangs...

D?gmar nodded as her fellow Marquis elaborated on her statements and even added some advice of his own. Despite his rather gruff and uncouth demeanor she was glad that the male was by her side in this endeavor? especially as his sour mood unleashed itself on the pack when they stared at the pair as if waiting for something to happen. D?gmar growled and strode towards the pup that would be her opponent. What were they waiting for? The sky to fall?

As Hati had already reprimanded them D?gmar sheathed her own verbal venom in favor of leading by example. Time to spill some blood. She grinned as she turned to face Novocaine. "Let us begin." She said smoothly, her silky voice spilling from her fanged maw.

Facing the boy she set her defenses. Fur and hackles rose as her ears pinned to flat to her skull. Eyes narrowed as her maw parted the muscles and flesh bunching up as a light growl emitted from her muzzle. D?gmar's chin tucked slightly as her head and tail aligned with her spine. Lean shoulders rolled forward as her neck scrunched back. Knees bent and muscles coiled as she spread her limbs slightly to evenly distribute her weight. Toes splayed and claws would bite into the dirt and her abdominal muscles would tense as she prepared to spring.

D?gmar waited for the boy to set his before she pounced, taught thighs unfurling as the Marquis endeavored to close the gap between her and the smaller male, her body shifting just slightly to the left as she threw her right shoulder forward to try and connect with the middle of his throat to knock the breath out him and maybe make him retch in response but not enough to crush his windpipe or cause any lasting damage. Her head curved to her right as parted jaws sought to dig into Novocaine's left side, just behind the shoulder blade. She hoped to meet her target and gain a hold.

D?gmar vs Novocaine

For Sparring Practice

Round: 1 of 2

Attack: Attempting to close distance between them, throwing right shoulder forward for middle of his throat to knock the wind from him and perhaps cause retching. Head curving to right to try and seize the flesh behind his left shoulder blade with her jaws.

Defenses: n/a

Fur and Hackles Raised | Ears pinned | Eyes narrowed | Jaws parted | Chin Tucked | Neck and Tail alined with Spine | Shoulders Forward | Neck Scrunched Back | Knees Bent | Weight Evenly Distributed | Toes Splayed | Claws digging into Dirt | Abdomen Tense


ooc: :D

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]