
~ Colliding Hope ~

Chenoa I


05-08-2014, 07:01 PM
Ears pricked as a female tone reached her, a response to her howl, telling her to stay put, and a message for others within the pack. This wolf sounded strong, and the midnight-grey pelted woman was eager to meet whomever it was and hopefully be accepted. She would expect that they would wish to test her, or at least ask a substantial amount of questions to get a feeling for if she would be a correct match within the pack.

As another large wolfess approached, Chenoa rose to her paws, almost immediately sliding her right back down, left folding, and muzzle coming close to the dirt, bowing to the lady in respect and a gesture she was taught should always be used when requesting and being awarded an audience for a pack. She proceeded to listen carefully as she spoke, and then answered back, "It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance, lady Natalya, Centurion of Olympus. My name is Chenoa Altsoba, former Warrior of Abiteth Pack. I have been traveling for quite a while in search of a home that would suit me best and fit my needs, one that I could greatly contribute to, and feel connected with. I have not heard much, if anything, of this pack, but I was told of the lands of Alacritia, and how they were plentiful with packs of all kinds to fit any and all. I chose to test my luck in the plains, as I am unaccustomed to this type of terra, and that seems to possibly prove an exciting change."

As she spoke, she watched the others body language, studying her carefully, not wanting to miss anything. She was observant, and somewhat surprised at the other woman's appearance, all black with a simple scar on her left paw, and these dark obsidian eyes. She had never met a wolf whom had black eyes with a pure black pelt before, and she wondered what that was considered, blinking her eyes slowly, inquisitive gaze returning to the others face, so as not to focus on the scar, wondering how she got that, as it was the only pop of colour upon her.


361 words.